How do I know that your homes are truly energy efficient?

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Any builder can claim to build energy efficient homes. How do I know that your homes are truly energy efficient?

All of our homes and cottages include an EnerGuide Rating System label. The energy efficiency of a home can be measured using Natural Resources Canada’s (NRCan’s) EnerGuide rating system which determines a home’s level of energy efficiency on a scale from 1 to 100, so that you can compare the energy performance of one house against another. A rating of 0 represents a home with major air leakage, no insulation and extremely high energy consumption. A rating of 100 represents a home that is airtight, well insulated, sufficiently ventilated and requires no purchased energy on an annual basis. Anyone can claim that a house is energy efficient, but an EnerGuide rating label proves how efficient it is.

Typical Energy Efficiency Ratings
Type of Home Rating
New home in 2006 66-72
New home in 2006 with some energy-efficiency improvements 73-79
New home built to 2012 Ontario Building Code Standards 80
Highly energy efficient new home 81-90